
  1. 1
    • How to use this guide

    • Before we begin...

    • A message from Nicky

  2. 2
    • The Handwriting Tracking PowerPoint Explained

    • Download Your Tracking PowerPoint

    • Add Baseline Samples

    • Using the Lines - Part 1

    • Using the Lines - Part 2

    • Individual Letters

    • Pairs of Letters

    • Completed Examples

  3. 3
    • The Tracking Checklists

    • Tracker Checklist 1 - Line Use and Letter Spacing

    • Tracking Checklist 2 - Individual Letters (Lowercase and Capitals)

    • Tracker Checklist 3 - Joins

    • Completed Example

  4. 4
    • What to do next...

    • Questions and Reflections

    • And finally, something else for you to look at very closely ...